
The Officer.com Less-Lethal product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching various less-lethal tools commonly used or available to law enforcement today.
Less-Lethal Ammunition / Projectiles

Standdown Less Lethal, Lead Free Projectiles

May 13, 2024
The performance of the STANDDOWN projectile from Avert Industries is achieved by utilizing a Patent Pending Hybrid Plastic-Metal Alloy technology. The base elastomeric polymer...
Launchers & Shotguns


May 13, 2024
The TAC-SA PRO from PepperBall is an advanced semi-automatic launcher, expertly designed for demanding situations such as crowd management and daily patrol. This launcher excels...
Compliant Technologies
ECD (Electronic Control Devices)

The G.L.O.V.E.

The G.L.O.V.E. from Compliant Technologies quickly transforms into a CD3 (Conductive Distraction and De-escalation Device) used within the Force Continuum to supplement existing...
Launchers & Shotguns

Grappler Device Helping Colo. State Patrol Combat Auto Thefts

May 3, 2024
The Colorado State Patrol has seen success with the Grappler Police Bumper as a tool to curb auto thefts, stopping six stolen vehicles over a tw0-week period last month.
Body Cameras

'He's Got My Gun!': Fla. Police Officer Shot in Violent Clash with Suspect

March 23, 2024
A Tallahassee police officer was shot and wounded in the hand with his own gun when a trespassing suspect grabbed the officer's firearm during a violent struggle outside a hotel...