Even before you become a chief or sheriff, you will have to attend the dreaded community meeting. It is our nemesis and many careers have taken a nose dive due to a faulty public meeting performance. I do not care how well you can delegate others, sooner or later you have to attend. There is a tactical science in preparing for and surviving these things. I have been attending these since the days of community policing and still do. There are no boiler plate directions to get you through this but I will offer you some lessons learned.
Wear your uniform- I was taught that if you have messed up, go dress up in your uniform and fess up. Not all of the time have we messed up and need to face the fire but there are some solid points here. As a young lieutenant, I was conducting a community meeting and a few folks came up to me asking where the chief was. In this case the new chief was in a business suit as many chiefs and sheriffs wear daily. One gentleman stated that he could not tell the chief from an insurance salesman. This made me think. As a chief or sheriff you are paid good money and the wearing of the uniform is not asking too much for the citizens to recognize you. Personally, I have always been a uniform wearing chief, the same one as my officers (no white shirt!). This exhibits that you are a member of the department, not just a stuffed shirt or salesman.
Knowledge is power – Do your homework and perform diligent research on the issues, the area or zone where this is located. Know the history of this neighborhood. If this area has a tawdry past with criminality or has been overlooked by the local government (no road repairs), there will be identity issues. The pride of citizens and businesses in their neighborhood will be apparent if you do not recognize it. Additionally, perform research and have the data available with you or staff accompanying you. Recent criminality is not all Part 1 crimes. It could be something as one dysfunctional teenager creating quality of life complaints.
Know your strong points and weak points – With the data and staff knowledge of the area and group, there will be strong and weak points to be addressed. Make sure you know and have a remedy for your failings or weak points. Do not soft shoe your way around them, if everyone believes your department has a failing. Listen, respond logically to address the issue and turn it into strength. Your extoling of how wonderful your agency is with other good points (which they may know or don’t care about) does nothing to address a failing. They want to be assured that if there is a perceived fault, you see it and have addressed it.
Beat officer(s) - Have them there. These are the officers that the neighborhood knows, interacts with and probably trusts more than you. Praise your staff for their knowledge, skills and abilities. It will come up if there is a problem with beat or zone officers, who would they complain to. Explain the process but remind all they can also compliment an officer as well, and then explain how you handle compliments and how much they mean to the officer.
Have other bureaus or division representatives present – It takes more than crime to create a neighborhood’s decline. I have attended several meetings where the police went unscathed but the Public Works Bureau was crucified over snow removal or potholes. Potholes are often street maintenance’s number one failing. If the other bureaus do not attend have their names and numbers available. Additionally, perform a proper referral for the person with a complaint. Tell them that you are going to contact this person/desk the next day and if it is not addressed by call or visit and rectified, to call you back and you will contact them again, here you are their advocate (another win for the police).
The elected official who represents that district should be notified and invited. I don’t care what the title supervisor, alderperson, councilperson or whatever, be sure they know about this. Key to political-police survival is for nobody to get blindsided. If the elected official has knowledge of an issue it is never the full story. Share information and strategies to address them.
Location- Most of these meetings are held in local churches, schools, libraries and other public venues. Do a quick visit to know the lay of the land since you are on the visiting team. It is important to know the creature comforts (restrooms), fire exits, lighting and ADA accessibility. Have an officer in the area and parking lot to provide a sense of safety to those in attendance. Often seniors do not like to attend in the evening hours. Keep an officer outside during the meeting; it is hard to explain why a car got broken into during a meeting. Also, this officer can give that sense of security when they exit.
Timing – You need to be the first to arrive! Greet and speak to as many as you can. Often some may have a question that you may address before the meeting or if they have a point that you want to be raised in public then encourage them to do so. Have plenty of business cards ready to offer to them. Often you can cool off a hothead with some personal attention, most just want to tell their story to you. You will be the last to leave, don’t hit the exit door until all are gone. If you do have to go to another appointment, explain it. The closing conversations will garner information and also close any open questions that they still have. The biggest hint here is be personable and a good listener.
Watch your body language! We all know it is not what you say but how you say it. Never, ever smile when speaking about death or even grin when people are speaking about their victimization. The slightest grimace or sneer will set off all of the good you came there to do. Do not look at your watch, cell phone or exhibit any uninterested behaviors. Show interest and energy in all of your actions. While we are on language, do not use police jargon or signals unless it is explaining a point. Keep the language contemporary to the audience.
Closing – Express your gratitude for their attendance. Give them the praise that they deserve. In some countries citizens do not associate with the police and are afraid to be with them. Here we are grateful for their input as customers. Finally, if you say you are going to do something, do it. If you do not keep your promise to make a referral or check into a case and you don’t do it, you will regret it. The next time that you attend this meeting again you will be portrayed as someone who does not keep their word. Also, if you do, they will defend you for taking up their issues. It is all about trust.
This is not an end all list by any means. However, this is a skill that you cannot develop by reading about it, sometimes it is like learning to swim, you just have to get into the water. Good luck and keep your edge sharp.