Mustang Survival, a part of The WING Group

Bellingham, WA 98226


About Mustang Survival, a part of The WING Group


1215 Old Fairhaven Pkwy.
Suite C
Bellingham, WA 98226
United States

More Info on Mustang Survival, a part of The WING Group

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Mustang Survival
The Mk110 kit as detailed in this review.
On the Street

Mustang Survival H2O Rescue Kit

I'm not a weak swimmer but it's not my idea of a good time to try to pull a 200 pound man out of the water, and it certainly isn't fun to think about having to tow him along as I swim for shore or something that floats.

Innovators Recognized at 2007 Cygnus Awards

Oct. 19, 2007
Everyone attending the invitation-only event enjoyed food and drink from The House of Blues, and then heard the announcement of the winners of this year's competition. Winners were announced by Ronnie Garrett, Editor-in-Chief of Law Enforcement Technology and Law Enforcement Product News.
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Cygnus' Innovation Awards Celebrates Technological Advances

Oct. 18, 2007
The entries were judged on their innovativeness, productivity, quality, contribution, ease of use and maintainability by a panel of six distinguished law enforcement professionals from a variety of backgrounds. Judges noted they were impressed with the caliber of many of the products they reviewed.

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All content from Mustang Survival, a part of The WING Group