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“But, Eddie,” said Max, sounding slightly exasperated, “I don’t believe in ghosts or hauntings or any of that.”
“Okay,” said Eddie sounding tolerant in return. “But I want to show you something. If you think it’s nothing, then that’s cool. But you get to decide after the fact.” Max leaned back in his seat and rolled his eyes. Eddie caught it out of the corner of his eye and said, “Hey, don’t roll your eyes at me, hotshot. Combat veteran you may be but some things simply can’t be explained and SHOULD cause you some concern.” Max looked over at Eddie and made sure their eyes met before rolling his eyes in an exaggerated fashion again. Eddie just chuckled and shook his head.
“So, this elementary school you’re taking me to is supposed to be haunted?” Max asked.
“Not supposed to be,” replied Eddie. “IS.”
“Oh, okay,” said Max. He didn’t sound convinced. He and Eddie were on evenings and it was a Sunday night. It was notoriously ‘quiet’ but neither of them would mention it for fear of jinxing themselves. After they’d driven all their patrol area and performed several dozen business checks, Eddie decided that they needed a distraction. When he asked Max if he was aware of the haunting of Creekslip Elementary, Max said no and here they were on the way. It was just after 2100 hours (9 pm in civilian parlance) and Eddie started telling the story as he drove.
“It was way back in the late ‘60s,” started Eddie seriously. “The school had just been built. It’s a big square with a courtyard in the middle, all one floor. It’s hell to secure if the alarm goes off because every classroom is on the outer perimeter of the building and every one of them has its own exterior door, so there’s over 30 doors you have to try to watch. They’re inset in pairs so you can’t see them opening if you’re on a corner shining your light down the wall. All you see is someone popping out to run if they’ve come out the door.”
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All of Season 1 of The Oceanside Chronicles, including officer survival notes and an alphabetical list of characters can be purchased as an anthology on via Amazon Prime.