To give first responders better access to potentially lifesaving hazardous chemical information, MSDSonline, the leading cloud-based hazardous chemical management solutions provider is launching a new chemical information sharing service. Called Plan1, the new service enables MSDSonline customers to give firefighters, paramedics, doctors, police officers and other first responders access to critical information about the hazardous chemicals they may encounter when responding to fires and other emergencies. Plan1 is free to emergency responders and is available at no additional cost to MSDSonline customers with an HQ or HQ RegXR Account.
Using Plan1, companies can share information that the emergency response community needs most before and during a chemical incident, such as chemical inventory lists, safety data sheets, facility floor plans and maps of chemical locations, specially indexed chemical product information (e.g., NFPA, GHS and PPE information), and more. First responders with Plan1 access privileges can use this cloud-based service from any desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device connected to the internet.
The idea for Plan1 grew organically out of interviews with customers and hundreds of first responders. Firefighters and other first responders consistently expressed the need for an easier way to access hazardous chemical information. Both chemical users and emergency personnel wanted a way for companies to share up-to-date information with local fire departments, hospitals, paramedics, local emergency preparedness committees (LEPCs) and state emergency response commissions (SERCs).
A video outlining Plan1’s benefits to businesses and first responders can be viewed online at
In addition to Plan 1, the MSDSonline HQ and HQ RegXR Accounts also provide users with powerful tools for managing safety data sheets and their chemical inventory, providing employees with right-to-know access to safety information, and moving toward a more sustainable and environmentally responsible chemical footprint.