Ten Things to Do in 2020

Dec. 23, 2019
A veteran Chief of Police shares lessons learned to help you succeed.

As you enter another year on the job, there are some undeniable truths that every law enforcement officer should realize. Time races past us and if you are in a routine – it goes by even faster. Then one day you wake up and wonder -how did this happen so fast? I realize that you already have a list of things to do and maybe a new year resolution or so. Please take a moment and review each of my suggestions. Some are professional and the rest personal. All will interlink for a better you.

Practice Your Craft – go to the range and do not just qualify but hone your skills. Perform some stimulating drills to sharpen your eye. “No Paper Punching”! Check with your rangemaster or your favorite gun writer for their favorite drill. Mine is the “El Presente Shooting Drill”. We all can use a little extra practice, invest in your skills.

Review your resume – where are you going in life? Maybe this year is the year you get back into college to finish off your degree. Enhance your career by embarking on profession certifications courses – forensic, reconstruction to expand your career. Take time to lay out your professional future. Do not settle for the minimum mandatory training to just keep your certification current. Take supervisory or leadership courses to position yourself – if the opportunity comes around – be ready for it!

Get out of your comfort zone- when we have time to take a training course or assignment, we stay within ourselves. I have heard some say, ‘just as long as it does not hurt’. Expand your knowledge and skillset by taking a challenge on something different. If you train within your comfort zone, then your training is a “Groundhog Day” curriculum. You can and must test yourself before somebody else does – be prepared. 

Create a Maintenance Day- I have had a routine with equipment and uniforms ever since I was in the US Army. When I was on the streets it was the last day off before returning to a long shift cycle. Keeping the tools of the trade in safe operating condition is important, get into the habit. Uniforms and tomorrow’s agenda ready before bed, get a fast and early start on the day.

Pay it Forward- do something for somebody. The gift of helping is just as beneficial to the giver at times. Little acts add up to your mental well-being. Everybody wants to be down on our profession and little acts may turn the tide in your favor. Do not write a check and say good now that’s over. Do something for somebody, volunteer or help in some way. It’s worth it-trust me.

Family time – pass up an overtime shift or take a day off and take the family to a ballgame or something. Shifts, court days and life take away moments that you cannot get back. Take my advice on this one, I missed several that I will never get back. Invest some quality time with your spouse/partner. They are your support crew for the rigors of the law enforcement lifestyle. Make a sincere effort to value them, they are there for you.

Take a Day Off – every now and then, you need a day off. Not working an off-duty gig or chores around the house. Go for a hike, go fishing, visit a museum or whatever gives you a ‘mental recharge’. You have to do ‘mindless things’ at times to get yourself together.  When I retired, I left a ton of sick time on the books without any compensation. Now, I think back to a day I could have burned it for a mental recharge day but did not. When I say take a day off – take care of yourself!

Financial Planning- do you have a financial plan? What is your exit strategy? You cannot solely rely on governmental retirement to make it in the future. Sit down with a certified financial planner and get into a plan. Monthly contributions can sting at first, but the tax advantages help. When you get ready to go and you can, your efforts will be rewarded. Nobody wants to be ‘that cop’ that has to work past their prime just to get by. Start a retirement plan now and get saving.

Read a Book – you have got to keep your mental edge. Do not care what – just read. Last year I finally got into fiction and the escape was great. Keep current with your profession, the web presence of quality law enforcement topical sites is good. Not sure where to start for recreational reading, ask your trusted friends for their reading lists.

Create a healthy habit – we all need to eat better, workout more and the list goes on. Watch your weight or cholesterol? Only you know what you need to do. Maybe an improved eating regiment?  Drink more water, less sodas? Quit using energy drinks, tobacco or whatever. Take a step towards your improved health.

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This list was not definitive, nor does one size fit all. The learning point here is that first and foremost, you have got to take care of yourself first.  Look in the mirror and make the commitment to yourself to improve and become a better, healthier person. The only person you have to thank is yourself.

About the Author

William L. Harvey | Chief

William L. "Bill" Harvey is a U.S. Army Military Police Corps veteran. He has a BA in criminology from St. Leo University and is a graduate of the Southern Police Institute of the University of Louisville (103rd AOC).  Harvey served for over 23 years with the Savannah (GA) Police Department in field operations, investigations and completed his career as the director of training. Served as the chief of police of the Lebanon City Police Dept (PA) for over seven years and then ten years as Chief of Police for the Ephrata Police Dept (PA). In retirement he continues to publish for professional periodicals and train.        

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