N.M. Police Officer Rolls Cruiser Responding to Call

Dec. 7, 2012
The Alamogordo police officer was transported to a local hospital with minor injuries.

The New Mexico State Police and the Otero County Sheriff's Office continue their investigation of an Alamogordo Department of Public Safety single vehicle rollover accident Thursday, an ADPS spokesman said.

The ADPS officer was driving police unit No. 314.

"Basically, we had an (ADPS) officer responding to a shots fired, vehicle driving around Post and Walker (avenues) as they drove around," ADPS Capt. Michael Lawrence said. "He (the officer) came around the corner went down the embankment then rolled over at least once."

Lawrence said the officer was transported to Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center "for some neck pain."

"He's doing fine," he said.

The single ADPS single police unit accident occurred around 3:17 p.m. Thursday.

The accident occurred on First Street between White Sands Boulevard and the Charlie T. Lee Memorial Relief Route. ADPS Detective Lt. Dusty Collins said ADPS officers got a report of a shooting incident at Post and Walker avenues.

Collins said ADPS officers are continuing their investigation of the incident.

"We saturated the area with officers," he said "Except for the people who called it in, nobody else heard gun fire."

Collins said no one was found shot or injured at the alleged shots-fired call.

Copyright 2012 - Alamogordo Daily News, N.M.

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

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