Stay Safe Media's self-defense training DVD, FOREVER ARMED: Combative Guide To The Practical Use Of Improvised Weapons, presents one-handed weapons, and straightforward, easy-to-learn tactics for the use of two-handed weapons. It also takes a critical look at improvised flexible weapons, projectile weapons, and shields. Michael Janich presents sound tactics, planning and preparation, environmental awareness, and a solid training methodology in FOREVER ARMED. A complete mini-system, FOREVER ARMED presents three basic combative tactics that can turn almost any object that can be wielded with one hand into a potent defensive weapon. Concentrating on simple gross-motor-skill movements, Janich's system reveals how the physiological potential of these movements can generate both offensive and defensive tactics that can be used to defend against many common street attacks. In addition to the tactics, Janich teaches a parallel series of reflex training or flow drills that not only accelerate the learning process, but also allow you to safely increase the intensity of your practice to simulate the adrenalized stress of a real street encounter. The widescreen DVD has a runtime of 1 hour and 50 minutes.