The Lineup Podcast: Our Favorite Police Feel Good Stories of 2023

Jan. 1, 2024
As the year winds down, OFFICER Magazine's editors look back at some of their favorite heartwarming stories involving police and law enforcement officers in 2023.

Every Friday, The Lineup podcast rounds up the week's most intriguing law enforcement news and goes behind the headlines. Editorial Director Frank Borelli and News Editor Joe Vince look at the stories that have people talking, and they offer their perspectives on the topics, from discussing a police department's latest recruiting and retention efforts to putting a spotlight on a daring arrest. 

Among those splashy headlines, though, there's a type of story that the editorial team enjoys discussing the most. Each week, we try to spotlight stories that peel back the uniform to reveal the humanity behind the badge. Some of the tales feature the extraordinary lengths some of the men and women serving in law enforcement go to connect with the community they serve. Others showcase quiet acts of remarkable, everyday kindness that resonate with the people around them. In almost all cases, they are touching and heartwarming.

As we celebrate Christmas and the holiday season, we thought it was a perfect time for a special episode of The Lineup that looks back at some of our favorite feel good stories of 2023.

Frank and Joe are joined by Editor Paul Peluso for this special holiday episode. They talk about eight of their favorite feel good stories from the past year, including a Florida boy who called 9-1-1 to give a deputy a hug, a very special thank you from a South Carolina K-9 handler for a very special mural, and an Indiana deputy going the extra mile for a grocery run.

And check out our first special year-end edition of The Lineup. In our final installment of the year, Paul returns with Joe and Frank for a lively conversation about a collection of truly stupid—and in some cases, truly unlucky—criminals.

And make sure you catch each new episode of The Lineup by subscribing to the podcast. Episodes are available on Podbean, along with OFFICER Magazine's Officer Roll CallUndercover Dad and Command Q&A podcasts.

OFFICER Magazine Podcasts

Along with Officer Roll Call, OFFICER Magazine also has two other podcasts available:

  • Officer Roll CallOur flagship podcast covers a vast range of subjects in the law enforcement community, from news to equipment to policy topics and more
  • Undercover Dad: Assistant Editor Joe Vince talks with his dad about his time an ATF agent working undercover in Detroit and Flint in the 1970s.
  • Command Q&A: Editor Paul Peluso interviews law enforcement leaders from around the country.
  • The Lineup: A weekly look at the most intriguing law enforcement and policing headlines.

How to Listen

OFFICER Magazine's podcasts are available through the following outlets:

Check back here as more episodes are available.

About the Author

Joe Vince

Joining Endeavor Business Media in 2018, Joe has worked on the company's city services publications. He began working at as the assistant editor. Before starting at Endeavor, Joe had worked for a variety of print and online news outlets, including the Indianapolis Star, the South Bend Tribune, Reddit and

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