Starkey Hearing Technologies

Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3476


About Starkey Hearing Technologies


6700 Washington Ave. S
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3476
United States

More Info on Starkey Hearing Technologies

Starkey Ht Cmyk 654 11324963

Starkey Hearing Technologies is a privately held, global hearing technology company headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minn. The company is recognized for its innovative design, development and distribution of comprehensive digital hearing systems. Founded in 1967, Starkey Hearing Technologies currently employs more than 3,600 people, operates 21 facilities and conducts business in more than 100 markets worldwide. The company develops, manufactures and distributes hearing aids via four distinct brands – Audibel, NuEar, MicroTech and its original brand, Starkey. For more information about Starkey Hearing Technologies, visit

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