The annual International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference (IACP) is always an industry news making event. Held in Chicago, Illinois this year from October 23-25, the conference includes training tracks, business events for IACP and, of course, the exhibit floor. Vendors supporting the law enforcement industry are on hand to display their products as well as to stay informed about trends in the industry. Join Officer Radio host Frank Borelli as he travels the show floor and talks with various industry "insiders" about what's new, what's of concern, and what the industry can look forward to in the coming year.
Aired every Thursday at 1pm eastern, Officer Radio is broadcast live on the Internet and then archived for future listening and/or reference. Listeners who would like to comment or ask questions can call in live during the show at 866-404-6519. Listeners who can't call in live but want to comment or ask questions can email the show host at [email protected].
So, join us on Thursday, October 27th at 1pm easter on; tune in to Officer Radio and stay up to date with the latest industry news from the IACP Conference.