Watch Suspect Swim Canal to Try to Flee Fla. Police During Chase

April 28, 2023
A driver was taken into custody following a chase in Miami-Dade County that involved refusing to stop for a Florida Highway Patrol trooper, ramming a cruiser and trying to make a watery escape.

A man who rammed a Florida Highway Patrol cruiser during an attempted traffic stop tried to unsuccessfully escape police by swimming in a canal Friday.

The incident began when a Florida Highway Patrol trooper tried to pull over a driver in Miami-Dade County, WSVN-TV reports. Instead of stopping, the driver rammed the trooper and fled.

The driver eluded authorities, and a Miami-Dade police helicopter was deployed to search for the suspect. The driver's truck was found, and the suspect got out of his vehicle and fled on foot.

Police K-9 units were called in, and the suspect made his way through a residential backyard. He then jumped into a canal and began swimming.

In footage shot by a TV news helicopter, the suspect could be seen floating on his back along the canal. Eventually, police surrounded the man near a bridge, where they pulled him from the water and took him into custody.

No details were released concerning the charges the man faces.

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