Colo. Tipster Frustrated by Delay in Murder Case Reward

Jan. 6, 2012
A former gang member who helped investigators finger Willie Clark as the gunman who killed Denver Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams, said he’s frustrated by the long delay in deciding who gets the reward money.


A former gang member who helped investigators finger Willie Clark as the gunman who killed Denver Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams, said he’s frustrated by the long delay in deciding who gets the reward money.

The former gangster, who spent time in the same federal prison as Clark, told 7NEWS that he intercepted a letter Clark wrote to an associate admitting to the crime, and gave that letter to police.

"I provided information to law enforcement at a pivotal time," he said. "The case had been unresolved and cold for about 17 months."

The tipster asked 7NEWS to alter his voice, not show his face and not use his name in this story because he fears for his life.

“I just lost my son in a shooting here a couple of weeks ago,” he said. "My life has recently been threatened."

The man said he has repeatedly asked for the reward money so he can use it to move his family out of state.

He questioned the process.

The president of the Metro Denver Crime Stoppers board told 7NEWS that that organization has the ability to give out up to $2,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect in a crime. Crime Stoppers President Michael Mills said that in some cases there are special awards where a much larger sum of money is fronted by an organization other than Crime Stoppers.

The Darrent Williams case is an example. The Denver Broncos provided $100,000 in reward money -- none of which has been given out.

The former gangster told 7NEWS that the reward should have been distributed long ago.

But Mills said it’s not that simple.

Mills said it’s not up to Crime Stoppers to give out the "special award" money. He said in this case, it’s up to the Broncos.

Mills told 7NEWS that the Broncos did ask for the board’s recommendation and that it couldn’t give one right away because detectives hadn’t forwarded information about the Williams case.

Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson said that’s because it was a convoluted case.

Jackson said there were several trials with defendants and witnesses linked to the Willie Clark group.

He said information about the Williams case couldn’t be released until all the other cases had been adjudicated.

He said the final one wrapped up in October.

When asked if there was a way to streamline the process, both Mills and Jackson said that’s akin to asking if there’s a way to streamline a murder trial.

When Clark was convicted in March 2010, prosecutors said there were a number of witnesses who intentionally tried to gum up the works.

"Every trial is different," Jackson said. "This one was very convoluted."

Mills said that once Crime Stoppers got the information from police they were able to make a recommendation to the Broncos.

He said that money will likely be distributed this week.

He did not say who will get the cash, but he did say it will likely be more than one person.

Some of Clark's associates testified against him at the trial and could be in line for some of the cash.

The tipster who talked to 7NEWS said he was told to call police Friday to learn if he will get part of the reward.

“If I knew what I know now, four years ago when all this happened, I wouldn’t have come forward because it’s been a great hardship. I’m a marked person wherever I go for the rest of my life," he said.

Tipster Frustrated, Fearful Over Not Getting Reward Money

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