Lund Industries Inc.

Northbrook, IL 60062


About Lund Industries Inc.


3175 MacArthur Blvd.
Northbrook, IL 60062
United States of America

More Info on Lund Industries Inc.

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Lund Industries is celebrating our expansion and new headquarters and over 30 years experience in Police vehicle equipment installation, Police vehicle equipment distribution, Police vehicle equipment Manufacturing. Lund provides durable, innovative and cost effective mounting solutions and products for emergency vehicles. Including gun vaults, consoles, computer mounts, gun racks, PASS bumpers with built in speakers and other solutions for police vehicles. Lund's long term relationships with agencies of every size throughout America also help Lund provide other public safety agencies with informed solutions that are designed and tested to provide solutions for your vehicle and equipment.


Michael Malec

Sales & Marketing

Larry King

Mike Tobin

National Sales Manager

Keith Mandic

Sales & Tech Support

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