The National Law Enforcement Center on Animal Abuse (NLECAA)


About The National Law Enforcement Center on Animal Abuse (NLECAA)


More Info on The National Law Enforcement Center on Animal Abuse (NLECAA)

The National Law Enforcement Center on Animal Abuse was established by the National Sheriffs’ Association to provide law enforcement officers information on the realities of animal abuse and to promote their proactive involvement in the enforcement of animal abuse laws in their communities. Through its partners, the Center serves as an information clearinghouse and forum for law enforcement on the growing problem of animal abuse and its link to other types of crimes, including violence against humans. Additionally, the Center seeks to improve officer safety in dog encounters through continuing education and training.

Products & Press Releases

The National Law Enforcement Center on Animal Abuse and National Sheriffs’ Association
The Law Enforcement Dog Encounters Training (LEDET) is the first of its kind training program and includes structured coursework on engaging and deescalating dog encounters, along with simulation training with VirTra’s immersive, high-definition video training system.

NLECAA, NSA and VirTra Launch New Law Enforcement Training Program

June 5, 2018
“Law enforcement officers want to handle their calls safely and go home at the end of their shift, while not causing any needless harm,” said John Thompson, Deputy Executive Director of the NSA. “This course will give them much needed tools...

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