HANSEN'S EAGLE EYE SHOOTING GLASSES Rifle and Pistol Model shooting glasses are now available to help those who wear corrective eyewear. The patented Rifle Model design includes a 22mm semicircular bifocal located near the nose bridge in the aiming eye lens.This design is used in shooting a rifle or Weaver style pistol.The Combat Pistol Model is designed with a 40mm semicircular bifocal along the top rim of the aiming eye lens just above the pupil and is used with the Isoceles pistol shooting stance. Distance viewing is unimpeded. Options available include full prescription and nonprescription models in black matte or gold aviator frames, tinted amber or medium grey. Contact: Hansen's Eagle Eye , PO Box 1175, Meadow Vista, CA, 95722; (866)324-5374; www.hansenseagleeye.com