An Arizona trooper helped deliver a baby while he was in the middle of a traffic stop on the highway over the weekend.
Trooper Miguel Rincon was conducting the stop on SR 80 near Bisbee around 4:22 p.m. Saturday when another car pulled behind his patrol vehicle, according to a news release from the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
A woman who was driver the car ran up to Rincon and told him she was taking her granddaughter, who was in labor, to the hospital, but that the labor was progressing quickly and the baby was already beginning to crown.
Rincon immediately stopped what he was doing, requested paramedics and went to his patrol vehicle to retrieve gloves, blankets, and anything he could find to help deliver the baby.
When he got up to the car he found that the baby boy had been born. Rincon wrapped up the baby and assisted in caring for mother and baby until paramedics arrived on scene.
The mother, Courtney Benavidez, and the baby named Carter were taken to the Canyon Vista Medical Center in Sierra Vista, where they were admitted for observation.
Rincon also went to the medical center to assist the family.
Both the baby and son have since been discharged from the hospital and are now at home where they are both doing excellent.
"Courteous Vigilance is the motto of the Arizona Department of Public Safety and troopers stand ready, as Trooper Rincon demonstrated, to provide help to the citizens of Arizona and those who may be traveling through our state," a statement from the agency reads.