IMPAC S.T. Trauma Plate

Aug. 20, 2007
Armor Holdings' IMPAC S.T. Trauma Plate, available through Aardvark Tactical/, provides an additional level of protection beyond a ballistic vest alone. Made from an ultra-lightweight, advanced composite material that is 10 times stronger than steel, the IMPAC S.T. exceeds NIJ 0108.01 Threat Level IIIA-Stand Alone protection and is independently tested to defeat special threat rounds beyond NIJ Threat Level IIIA. Additionally, because the IMPAC S.T. traps the round, spalling and fragmentation typically found in hard armor plates is liminated. Available in 5-inches by 8-inches (4 1/2 ounces), 7-inches by 9-inches (8 ounces), and 10-inches by 12-inches (13 1/2 ounces) versions.

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