National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day 2024
Every now and then I come across a holiday that I don’t remember existing in my youth or that, for whatever reason, wasn’t often acknowledged. In case that happened to you today, as we recognize Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, let me alleviate just a touch of your concern. It’s a “holiday” that didn’t exist until 2015.
The holiday was inspired by a chain of events that occurred in 2014, when a police officer was involved in a crossfire situation in Missouri. After a series of protests and violent events, Concerns Of Police Survivors (COPS) was motivated to change the negative portrayal of police officers and other law enforcement professionals. The organization, consisting of surviving family members of officers who have died in the line of duty, was driven to support a more positive image of law enforcement, with a focus on reminding the community of the sacrifices officers make every day. The day also serves to raise awareness of the difficult decisions made by officers every day in the best interest of citizens and the law.
The United States of America is not the only country that celebrates a day to honor and recognize its law enforcement professionals. Other countries that celebrate a day (although it’s a different date in each) include Armenia, Canada, China, Egypt and Romania, just to name a few.
Some of the traditions that have already developed to support officers on this day include wearing blue clothing to show solidarity with the officers; writing a letter or sending a card of thanks to the local police/sheriff’s office; sharing a positive experience with law enforcement on social media feeds. On the state and federal levels, the day is often recognized by the holding of awards ceremonies to recognize those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.
We encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day today and appreciate your local law enforcement agency. Whether it’s a police department, sheriff’s office, constable’s office or other entity, those men and women who leave their families behind each day to go out and protect and serve your community deserve your thanks. No, it’s not the day to buy every police officer you see at the local convenience store a donut (although some might appreciate that). It’s the day for you to extend your hand, thank them for serving the community, and give them a smile they might not normally see.
How will you celebrate the day? We’d love to see some of your comments on our social media feeds, so wherever you saw the link for this, go let us know what you’re doing to recognize the officers and deputies in your day.

Lt. Frank Borelli (ret), Editorial Director | Editorial Director
Lt. Frank Borelli is the Editorial Director for the Officer Media Group. Frank brings 20+ years of writing and editing experience in addition to 40 years of law enforcement operations, administration and training experience to the team.
Frank has had numerous books published which are available on,, and other major retail outlets.
If you have any comments or questions, you can contact him via email at [email protected].