- Physically the size of a business card and 1-inch thick
- 900 MHz, +24dBm FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)
- Cellular (optional but recommended): GSM/HSPA+ or CDMA
- Air altitude with 30cm accuracy/resolution: This sensor is intended to determine how high off the ground a person is, or what floor in a building to aid in the response/recovery efforts
- Toxic Gas (Optional): This sensor is different depending on what industry your in (H2S, Flammable Gas, Toxic Gas like Ammonia...)
- Radiation utilizing a Geiger Tube: This sensor is to aid in the detection of Gamma radiation that could be used in dirty bomb location. It will enable alerting when the detected rate is concerning.
- Accelorometer: This sensor is to monitor your movement and is generally used after the primary event happens (gunshot, radiation, gas) to determine if your moving
- Accoustic Detection for gun shots/explosions: This sensor detects very loud events, above +130dB, such as gunshots and explosions. It wakes the unit up when this event happens
The user can press the Red manual alerting button to send out a highest priority alert. Also they can manually press the '.' round buttons to manually select an instrument. If an automatic alert occurs the user can cancel the alert by pressing the 'C' large button
The LCD will provide visual feedback and the backlight will light only when the user presses a button.
It has a 2000mA/hour battery but I don't know how many days it will run, but I am hoping for several.
When an alert happens the module will always send a message out 900 MHz for those in close proximity and will attempt to send out the alert over cellular (if in range).
The users can place a gateway module on a vehicle that contains a cellular, 900 and satellite radio to enable relay to satellite or cellular if their device can not reachback.
The color overlay will identify
- - Yellow for the H2S Tracer
- - Red for the Fire Tracer
- - Blue for the Shot Tracer
- - Camo for the Hunter Tracer
- - Orange for Industrial Tracer
- ...and so on
A web portal enables PC/Smart phone access to the management and mapping of the events, locations and alerts.