Citing the arrival of warmer weather and residents' positive response to foot patrols, the Police Department is extending the patrols in the Main South area until the end of the fiscal year on June 30.
The patrols were already extended once, and were scheduled to end in May, but Police Chief Gary J. Gemme said there would be another extension.
"There have been great results and reception, especially by those in the Castle Park area," Chief Gemme said. "Activity is returned to the way it should be."
People are feeling safer outside during the day and families are returning to the park, which they recently cleaned, he said.
Foot patrols were added in late November to the Main South from 700 Main St. to Castle Park, just as a center for homeless people was opening in the former home of the People in Peril homeless shelter at 701 Main St.
The chief believes the foot patrols help build relationships between police and those in the neighborhood.
Police and residents were concerned criminal activity was being pushed to the Castle Park area. Along with foot patrols, the Police Department has performed routine prostitution stings in Main South.
"We are working side by side with neighbors and businesses to build upon the positives of this great neighborhood," City Manager Michael V. O'Brien said. "The improvements to public safety due to these footbeats are part and parcel of the strides we are making together. These footbeats build confidence in their ability to partner with us, to prioritize their goals and to help them help us succeed in this effort to culture neighborhood leadership and to continue to revitalize this area. There is a cost. We see it as an investment in our future."
The Police Department also hopes to find funding again to pay for the Summer Impact Program, which puts 18 officers on the streets during the summer.
"We're still hoping to run the Summer Impact Program to keep a lid on activity in the summer months," Chief Gemme said. Normally the program runs from July 1 to September.
The department will learn more about available funding for the program after it has a budget hearing this month with the City Council.
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