A Chicago police officer said his love of livestock caused him to spring into action when he heard a rooster was trapped on the tracks at a subway station.
Shakespeare District patrol officer Enrique Molas said he immediately thought of his childhood when he heard about the rooster on the Blue Line tracks at the Logan Square station, the Chicago Tribune reported Tuesday.
"I pretty much knew what to do," Molas said. "I grew up in the Philippines; we have a lot of livestock."
Molas said he rushed to the station, donned a pair of protective gloves and walked out onto the tracks.
"I saw the bird still alive -- and tired," he said. "When I came down I didn't want to startle it, I just wanted to approach it really carefully."
Molas said the bird was cooperative and didn't try to resist him when he picked it up and carried it to safety.
However, animal control officials said the rooster's story came to a tragic end.
"Unfortunately, the vet examined the rooster and determined that he has a broke wing and will be euthanized,'' animal control executive director Cherie Travis said.
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