Jan. 11--SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. -- Police made an easy drug arrest Tuesday when a man allegedly carrying a backpack full of marijuana accidentally found himself in the police headquarters' back parking lot.
Two uniformed officers were walking through the gated lot about 11:40 a.m. at police headquarters at 710 N. D St. when they saw a man running by, according to a statement released by the San Bernardino Police Department.
When the officers tried to stop the man to question him, he kept running and tried to escape over a wall. When the officers caught up to him, they found he was carrying several pounds of marijuana in his backpack, according to the news release.
Police arrested the man, identified as Wesley Taylor, 32, of Arizona. He apparently slipped through his automatic gate into the lot as it was closing to get away from someone he thought was chasing him but he didn't realize he was running into the police parking lot.
Taylor was arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana for sale and was booked at Central Detention Center in San Bernardino. His bail was set at $100,000.
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