Delaire USA
About Delaire USA
Manasquan, NJ 08736
United States
More Info on Delaire USA

Delaire provides a Tactical Radio Adapter Cable (TRAC) that allows for a seamless transition between headsets and handheld radios offered by Motorola, Harris, EF Johnson, ICOM, Thales and Kenwood, allowing users to take full advantage of headsets like the Bose TTH and ITH. The TRAC provides consistent volume levels, works with Push to Talk (PTT) and takes advantage of Bose's advanced features, ANR, talkthrough and increased intelligibility.
Delaire provices custom engineering to adapt the TRAC technology for communications gear, handheld radios, vehicle systems, ground-based systems, or headsets not currently supported by the product. Already in development are adapters for the Motorola HT1000, HT1250, XTS2500 and XPR6550, the Kenwood FTK2140 and TK2180, and external gas mask microphone connections.
Delaire USA, Inc. is a woman-owned, small business that manufactures custom RF and Fiber Optic cables, components, boxes and cabinets and provide system integration.
- [email protected]
- Phone: 732-528-4520
- Fax: 732-528-4521
- www.delaireusa.com