Police Robot Helps End Oklahoma Standoff

Feb. 1, 2007
Overnight standoff with machete suspect ends after robot steps in.

Police are crediting a department robot with helping resolve a nine hour standoff situation at a northwest side apartment. It started around 10:30 on Tuesday evening, after police were alerted to a man swinging a machete. He reportedly smashed a car, and then injured the vehicle's owner, who sustained a cut to the hand, but wasn't seriously hurt.

Police say the suspect then retreated to his apartment, and refused to come out. Sergeant Paco Balderrama says repeated efforts to contact the man failed. Police also received information the suspect might have a bomb inside the department, but that turned out not to be the case.

Balderrama says a police tactical team, and the bomb squad spent the night at the scene. It was decided to utilize the robot, which the department has had for several months, but never used in a tactical situation.

Tactical team members got the apartment's door open, the robot climbed a flight of stairs, and entered the suspect's apartment. The machine then located the suspect. Police negotiators used the robot's capability to communicate, to negotiate with the suspect, who was convinced to turn himself in.

Taken into custody on charges of assault with a dangerous weapon and destruction of property was 21 year old Jack Swanda.

Republished with permission of KTOK-AM

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