Exclusive web extra for "When policing doesn't pay" from the September 2009 issue of Law Enforcement Technology.
Cygnus Law Enforcement Group e-volves to better serve law enforcement
In the September 2009 issue of Law Enforcement Technology, I discuss Internet resources and effective, economically reasonable use of them. To better serve the blue force, Cygnus Law Enforcement Group has electronically evolved and recently incorporated several tools online, including:
Officer.com has updated its online buyer's guide, Property Room, which includes thousands of law enforcement products and services from apparel, to firearms, to vehicles and everything in between. In addition to the emerging products highlighted in Law Enforcement Product News and product showcases featured in Law Enforcement Technology, visit Property Room to peruse and research new equipment and services for law enforcement. The site is updated every day and allows you to ask for more information with a simple click of your mouse.
Law Enforcement Technology will be offering exclusive online-only content to accompany information you read within LET's pages each month. For stories with supplementary material online (such as this), you will see a "More online!" graphic at the story's end. To access the extra content, visit www.officer.com/publication and click on the "More online!" graphic.
Officer.com wants to be your e-Friend! Keep up with the latest news and information from Editor-in-Chief Frank Borelli and the Officer.com team through the following avenues: twitter.com/officercom; www.facebook.com/officercom; and www.myspace.com/officerwebsite. Officer.com's online forums are also a great way to interact with your brethren daily on a host of hot topics.
In addition, Officer.com features regular blogging on various topics, commentary, events and more. Stop by http://www.officer.com/interactive to see what's on Frank Borelli and the other contributors' minds, as well as weigh in with your thoughts and comments.
LET and LEPN now offer electronic versions of each magazine. View a sample edition at http://let.epubxpress.com, or to join* the electronic subscriber list, visit the Law Enforcement Technology and the Law Enforcement Product News,subscription pages respectively.
(*The publisher reserves the right to serve only those individuals who meet qualification guidelines.)