The 3M ALPR solution is now portable. Taking advantage of the already compact and high performance Mobile ALPR Camera Sytems, 3M has packaged our ultra powerful 3M Mobile ALPR Processor into an compact, brushed aluminum case for easy deployment and portability.
This solution was designed to be operational within minutes, while still supporting up to four (4) dual-channel (color and infrared) 3M Mobile ALPR Cameras (P634). These cameras are attached to the vehicle with 3M's easy-to-use clip or magnet mounts. A simple network cable connects the system to a laptop or Mobile Data Computer (MDC) running 3M License Plate Caputre Software (LPCS) in-car system software interface. This portable solution is fully compatible with the 3M Back Office System Software (BOSS) for investigations and data mining.
Using the same "plate-finder" technology as found in the standard 3M Mobile ALPR Processor, this portable solution can provide high volume, accurate license plate reads at exceptionally high speeds. The system utilizes 3M's advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to read license plate characters and perform instant plate checks against specified databases, (NCIC Stolen, Felony Warrants, Amber Alerts, local hot lists, scofflaws, etc) with immediate alerts to the officer of any "hits."
- Deployable in minutes on almost any vehicle
- Allows for rapid response to special operations where dedicated vehicles may not be available
- Improved officer efficiency enabling the officers to check thousands of license plates per shift
- Provides officers with greater spatial awareness
- Reduction in profiling claims as the system looks at every plate regardless of driver condition/apperance