Genetec announces the release of AutoVu 4.3 IP license plate recognition solution. In order to improve operational efficiency, AutoVu 4.3 offers new features and functionalities such as real-time alarming and email notification, color, sound and priority assignment to hotlists, covert hit notification, wildcard hotlists, permit sharing and long term overtime. AutoVu’s real-time alarming and email notification quickly informs assigned recipients of matched license plates, known as hits. AutoVu also allows users to assign different priorities to hot lists. Each priority can be configured with a different color and alarm tone, so that officers can be alerted of hits both visually and audibly, so that they can easily identify the type of hit and its importance. For users who are carrying out a covert investigation and do not want it compromised, covert hit notification, allows to keep a hit concealed. The patroller will not be notified of the hit but the data will be sent directly to the back-office user who will have access to the notification and data instantly. AutoVu now allows the creation of a wildcard hotlist database; records in that database only include partial license plate numbers. This is a very useful function in situations where witnesses did not see or cannot remember a complete license plate number. This allows the officer to potentially intercept vehicles associated with a crime, that otherwise would not have been detected using standard hot lists.