Laser Technology, Inc. (LTI) and MicroSurvey Software Inc. will be co-hosting a webinar to provide crash investigation professionals with the best tools and practices for mapping and diagramming a scene.
Next Generation Mapping Technology: Crash and Crime Scenes from Field-to-Courtroom
June 1, 2016 at 10:00 AM (MDT)
Join LTI and MicroSurvey on June 1, 2016 at 10 AM (MDT) to hear about the different technologies investigators use to measure and professionally document a crash scene. Learn about the pros and cons of alternative technology and discover what other investigators believe are the most important things to consider when making an investment into measurement tools, CAD-based software and training.
LTI’s complete mapping system achieves highly accurate results, is simple to operate and offers a seamless transition from the field to the courtroom. Learn how you can leverage the latest in mapping and diagramming technology that focuses on the needs of the user and alleviates common frustrations experienced with alternative tools and methods.
Mike Allard, CEO of Northeast Diagramming Services, will be a guest speaker at this live online event. Mike is a 27 year veteran officer where he serves as the highway safety officer for his agency. He is an active crash and crime scene investigator and also hosts training courses throughout the country. Mike has extensive experience with a wide range of tools and will share intimate details about them all. Kassie Carley, Laser Technology’s software Product Manager, and Jason Poitras, MicroSurvey’s General Manager will also be contributing valuable content during the webinar. They both will be highlighting their solution from collecting data in the field to taking the mapped points into IMS Map360 for diagramming purposes.
Before attending the webinar, read more information about Laser Technology's products and how they help in crash scene investigation and crime scene investigation.