1.5 M/E HVS-350HS HD/SD video switcher

Jan. 20, 2011

The 1.5 M/E HVS-350HS HD/SD video switcher, the “big brother” to the FOR-A HVS-300HS. With a larger control panel and 3 RU main unit, the HVS-350HS works well for facilities that have limited space but produce challenging programs, such as sports and other live events. It provides eight inputs and outputs standard, which can be expanded to 24 inputs and 12 outputs. Both switchers include a frame synchronizing on every input, which allows various asynchronous HD, SD, analog, and PC signals to be used during the same production. Other features include a built-in 16-split multiviewer, 2D and 3D DVE transitions, and more than 100 wipe patterns.

Please go to the following URL for a newly released tutorial on the HVS-350HS switcher:


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