PDSG's Crossflo DataExchange (CDX) is a full-featured data sharing solution which supports multiple types of integration methods including: event-based, rule-based, service-based, and scheduled. The CDX 4.0 is specifically designed to be compatible with and leverage the national data sharing standards including GJXDM, NIEM, HL7 and others. With its open standards-based service-oriented architecture, CDX ensures rapid and cost effective delivery of data sharing solutions. Components include the CDX ExchangeBuilder for full-lifecycle development of business information exchanges or services and the CDX Portal, which offer configurable services for deploying enterprise functions such as Federated Queries, and user-based subscriptions and notifications. Enhancements include XML composition tools for NIEM, LEXS development and IEPD generation, Justice Reference Architecture based services, graphical schema, database mapping tools, and GFIPM conforming Single-Sign On security solution.