EvidenceOnQ Electronic Evidence Management Software

April 29, 2013

FileOnQ's EvidenceOnQ: a custom electronic evidence management software program designed for use in evidence rooms at law enforcement agencies. The software’s capabilities extend far beyond those of most integrated evidence systems. EvidenceOnQ offers these capabilities: fully customizable home screen, real-time tracking of all evidence items, ability to set retention status on all items for improved review of evidence, generating reports and forms that were created manually, and fast, easy queries.

       The sophisticated software provides the necessary integrity for evidence management from the crime scene to the court room in:

  • The Crime Scene – Evidence can be directly entered into EvidenceOnQ at the crime scene. Barcode labels and reports are generated immediately and photos can be uploaded into the system.
  • The Property Room – EvidenceOnQ reduces repetitive work effort by allowing one-time entry of information on just one main screen.
  • The Court Room – EvidenceOnQ provides an automated, unalterable chain of custody that will give law enforcement agencies confidence and integrity as a case is presented in the court room.

       The software’s comprehensive evidence management capabilities meet the needs of various parties within the criminal justice system. 

  • Investigators – EvidenceOnQ eliminates hand-written evidence documentation by making such documentation intuitive in an electronic, highly customizable format. Evidence collected at crime scenes can be immediately entered in the software from which an automated chain of custody is set in motion as well as a successful investigation and prosecution.
  • Prosecutors – EvidenceOnQ saves prosecutors valuable time by  enabling them to quickly access evidence tied to their cases via a web connection. Using the software, they can print the chain of custody, view photos, play audio and video recordings, read lab reports, and submit requests and authorizations.
  • Courts – Once evidence that has been documented with EvidenceOnQ enters the courtroom, there is total integrity and security of that evidence thanks to the software’s various control features. These include controls as to who may view evidence, and at what supervisory levels, as well as recording who views evidence but without allowing any changes to evidence documentation.
  •  Public – Citizens can now see more clearly how evidence such as DNA, for example, is more easily controlled with EvidenceOnQ as decades-old cases involving convicted people are able to be reviewed and victims proven innocent because DNA evidence has been properly documented and tracked. 

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