- Battery Management Software
- Stand-alone utility
- Works for any Thales charger: single chargers, 6-way, new Universal
- USB – Plug and Play
- Displays: Performance
- Current charge operating state for each cup of charger (red/green/yellow etc.)
- Bar graph charge state: quick view
- How much time is left to complete the charging process
- Current capacity
- Maximum capacity
- Cycle Count: History of charge cycles (there are 300 cycles on Liberty batteries)
- Displays: Battery Information
- Rated capacity
- Serial number
- Manufacturing date
- Displays: Runtime/Available Capacity
- Thales radio type (selectable from drop down list)
- How many hours the battery will run in its current charge status
- When to retire the battery (battery life goes red at 60% capacity)
- Settings are adjustable
- Can also be used remotely through IP network link