DALLAS, April 3, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T has created a new Global Public Sector organization and named AT&T executive Kay Kapoor to lead it.
AT&T's Public Sector sales in 2016 totaled nearly $15 billion.* The organization provides advanced information and communications technologies to government and education customers across federal, state, local and international public sector markets.
Kapoor, who has led AT&T's federal business for four years, will be president of the new group.
"This is an important focus area for AT&T," said Kapoor. "Our public sector and education customers are a top priority. By bringing all public sector teams together, we can improve the value and partnership we offer to these customers."
Kapoor led AT&T's public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), which was announced March 30. The Department of Commerce and FirstNet selected AT&T to build and manage the first broadband network dedicated to America's police, firefighters, EMS and other first responders.
For more information on AT&T's FirstNet selection, please visit att.com/FirstResponderNews.
*Public Sector primarily consists of government and education customers.
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*Claim based on the Nielsen Certified Data Network Score. Score includes data reported by wireless consumers in the Nielsen Mobile Insights survey, network measurements from Nielsen Mobile Performance and Nielsen Drive Test Benchmarks for Q3+Q4 2016 across 121 markets.
**Global coverage claim based on offering discounted voice and data roaming; LTE roaming; and voice roaming in more countries than any other U.S. based carrier. International service required. Coverage not available in all areas. Coverage may vary per country and be limited/restricted in some countries.