Deliver attention grabbing voice messages and audio signals over long distances, in urgent situations. Project sound clearly at very high but safe volumes to targeted groups, individuals or search areas while video, location and sound data evidence are recorded automatically.
A portable device operating at great range, the Superhailer® operates in two primary modes. First, it can broadcast targeted powerful verbal messages or instructions which are crystal clear even at very significant distances.
Second, if required, it can emit a very narrow beam of intense but safe sound. It cuts through ambient noise and helps grab the attention of the individuals or groups being hailed. Superhailer can be rapidly deployed to play a critical role in the de-escalation of dangerous situations.
- De-escalate and manage situations safely
- A modern alternative to using force or aggression
- All at range for maximum safety, up to 800ft+/250m+
- 100% safe in use, complies with health & safety legislation
- Equipped with comprehensive integrated evidence recording
- Easy to use, all functions are automatic (no user judgement)
- Very media friendly and highly defensible in court
- Equipped with the class-leading SmartMicTM