Squire Tech Solutions, LLC satellite interoperability technology company specializing in voice, video, Internet, and data to mission critical locations. Primarily utilizing satellite technology, Squire Tech develops integrated pCom ™ 300 Power Communications Trailers, Fixed stationary and Mobile solutions for virtually any communications need. Squire Tech operates satellite networks targeted toward mission critical applications for business and government entities. Squire Tech’s team of Service, Support, Engineering, and Installation specialists are focused on being the leading provider of highly reliable voice, data, and high-speed Internet services where they are needed most.
MARKETS: Squire Tech Solutions, LLC serves Our Customers in the following markets:
Daily Lease Field Communications Services for the Oil and Gas, Mining, Excavation, Construction, and other temporary remote locations without reliable infrastructure
Emergency Response and Mobile Vehicle Communications Solutions: pCom™300 Power Communications Trailers, Response Vehicles, and Mobile Offices environments
Managed Satellite Networks: Domestic and International Managed Virtual Private Networks, Remote Access for control Systems, Video Monitoring and Telemetry, Remote Site Enterprise Voice, Fax, and Data