Next Gen Creative Solutions, Inc. Announces Release of JARTH AI System
PRESS RELEASE: Fort Pierce, Fla. – March 29, 2024
Next Gen Creative Solutions, Inc. Announces Release of JARTH AI System
Next Gen Creative Solutions, Inc. (NGCSI) is proud to announce the first deployment of its newest Artificial Intelligence system: The JFS Autonomous Realistic Tactical Help unit, or JARTH for short. With the acronym developed in honor of John McCarthy JohnmccARTHy), the “father of artificial intelligence,” NGCSI says the JARTH system is unlike any other released or available on the market due to its proprietary processor components and computing system.
The JARTH system’s heart is a cluster of 16 processors each built with organically grown neural cell “wires” that pass data approximately 4,000 times faster than any other chips commercially available and mechanically manufactured on today’s market. That type of processing speed is required to support the quantity of data that the AI driven analysis and feedback system is designed to manage and to run the software algorithms that provide the data analysis back in a timely manner.
The JARTH’s hub is connected via Bluetooth to NGCSI’s proprietary wearable heads-up display and speaker system (the HUD/s). After the JARTH hub receives and analyzes the available received data, the AI algorithm performs the specified tasks, as prioritized by the purchasing agency, and delivers data feedback to the officer via display in the HUD/s and the speaker that can be one of two designs: the speaker can be external to the HUD/s arms, or the speaker can feed via bone conduction directly behind the wearer’s ear. The bone conduction speaker can be placed on either arm of the HUD/s.
The JARTH Hub is designed to accept data input not only from radio and cellular transmission but also from received images and/or video. 10 of the 16 processors are dedicated to analyzing the visuals, identifying objects, people and weapons, transferring that data into data bits for the analysis functions, and then feeding the necessary visuals, as originally inputted, to the HUD/s for the officer to see.
For example, if the officer’s body worn camera is connected to the JARTH Hub and within the camera’s viewing range a weapon is identified by JARTH, the HUD/s will show the weapon, highlighted in red with information on distance and direction to that weapon.
Another example is that if a person’s face is visible within the view of a patrol vehicle’s dashboard camera, the JARTH system will analyze the facial structure as available in licensing databases to identify the person and then run that individual’s identifying information through the NCIC and CJIS system to check for warrants or any violent criminal history. Should such be identified, that person’s location will be highlighted in red in the HUD/s, with distance and direction information included.
Being aware of the potential power of JARTH requires putting all of the potential data sources together with all of the possible analysis and identification outcomes. According to NGCSI CEO Amante Williams, JARTH represents the first true harnessing of the total power of AI for law enforcement safety and enforcement purposes. “JARTH can receive data from an unlimited number of sources to include the officer’s MDT and all communications thereon, video, still imagery, cellular and radio transmissions as well as accessing the entire spectrum of the internet and many social media platforms,” Williams said. “After analyzing all of those potentially petabytes of data, JARTH can distill it down to clearly identified and identifiable threats or concerns for law enforcement officials. Just imagine the safety increase for an officer going into a crowded mall for a fight call or something similar and his body worn camera sees, even though he doesn’t, a wanted felon armed with a handgun somewhere in the periphery of his view. JARTH can alert him, via sound and visual projection inside his HUD/s, telling him who and what the threat is, and even what type of weapon he’s carrying. Just imagine the power of that.”
Before being made available commercially to law enforcement agencies, JARTH was tested in a variety of private communities with properly licensed security firms. During the original beta deployment, JARTH’s hub was too big to be put on or in any vehicle other than a sedan or SUV. Development in the technology and improvements in size efficiency now have the JARTH hub smaller enough to be mounted on most law enforcement motorcycles. Due to the power supply required, it will likely never be deployable for mounted units or those on bicycle patrols.
NGCSI isn’t new to the computing industry but this is their first product developed specifically for the law enforcement market. They are estimating an MSRP on each complete JARTH system, hub plus HUD/s, at approximately $12,599 each once industrial production is enabled. To date, all of the units have been built one at a time in their Fort Pierce facility.
For more information about the JARTH, you can contact NGCSI at…
Well, actually you can't. NGCSI doesn't actually exist and the JARTH system remains fictional for now. Welcome to our annual April Fool's Day post!
Lt. Frank Borelli (ret), Editorial Director | Editorial Director
Lt. Frank Borelli is the Editorial Director for the Officer Media Group. Frank brings 20+ years of writing and editing experience in addition to 40 years of law enforcement operations, administration and training experience to the team.
Frank has had numerous books published which are available on,, and other major retail outlets.
If you have any comments or questions, you can contact him via email at [email protected].