We are Law Enforcement Trainers specializing in Grappling Defensive Tactics (GDT). GDT was developed by Chief Instructor, Shawn Chitwood. Shawn is a 23-year martial arts veteran holding 4 different Black Belts and is a former World Jujitsu Champion. He is an OPOTA Certified Master Defensive Tactics Instructor who has been contracted by Sam Faulkner and the Ohio Attorney General's Office to develop the Grappling Defensive Tactics for the State of Ohio at OPOTA. Shawn currently teaches the grappling portion of the DT Instructor courses and the new grappling updates at the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy in London, Ohio. Shawn and his staff are available for seminars and lectures for your police and military organization, either at our large academy or at yours. SCMA also offers GDT on videotape. Contact use for references, testimonials, or questions.