MTG Management Consultants, LLC

Seattle, WA 98104-3858


About MTG Management Consultants, LLC


410 Second Avenue South, Suite 240
Seattle, WA 98104-3858
United States

More Info on MTG Management Consultants, LLC

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MTG Management Consultants, LLC, is a premier independent management consulting firm addressing the strategy and technology challenges facing government organizations across the US and Canada. MTG has completed over 725 public sector projects in 38 states and 3 provinces. With over 35 years of experience, MTG serves the entire justice community—police, courts, corrections, the legal community, and the agencies that work with them. We bring a unique understanding of the particular opportunities and issues presented by the dynamic nature of justice and public safety environments. MTG helps justice and public safety organizations craft and implement strategies and technologies to enhance the legal system and ensure the safety of the communities they serve.

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