Driver Blames GPS after Trying to Drive Down Maine Police HQ Stairs

May 2, 2022
Portland police say a woman's "excessive blood alcohol level," not her GPS, was why she drove across a pedestrian plaza at the department's headquarters and down a flight of stairs.

A Maine woman reportedly blamed the predicament police found her in on Saturday on bad GPS directions.

Police, however, blamed it on “her excessive blood alcohol level.” At least, that is what the Portland Police Department posted to its Facebook page. Just what side is right figures to be worked out over time.

What is undeniable though, whether it was bad GPS directions or her alleged blood alcohol level, the 26-year-old Maine woman definitely ended up in a bad situation because she tried to drive her SUV down a set of stairs at the police station.

According to reports, she drove across the “pedestrian plaza” at the Portland, Maine Police Department and then attempted to drive down — photos appear to back it up — the stairs. Her SUV appears to have hung up there, and did not make it to the bottom.

Portland Police said the woman was “issued a summons for OUI.”

“We are fortunate she didn’t strike anyone and this ended with just a small amount of property damage,” the police posted to their Facebook page. “Please don’t drink and drive.”


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