National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Opens Application Process for 2023 National Officer Safety and Wellness Awards
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Tell us about your innovative Officer Safety or Wellness programs. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund has opened the Application Process for 2023 National Officer Safety and Wellness Awards.
The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) is engaged in the Destination Zero Program, which serves to acknowledge effective officer safety and officer wellness initiatives that help drive down the risk factors that are proven to lead to officer injuries and deaths. The Memorial Fund is seeking information on any innovative officer safety or officer wellness programs that are currently implemented for the physical and/or mental well-being of their officers.
These may be programs that are designed to improve officer safety by increasing the use of seatbelts, limiting distractions, or continuing drivers’ training beyond the minimum standards. It may be a physical fitness incentive program that has reduced the number of officer injuries and decreased the use of sick leave within an agency. The program could even be one that was successful getting more officers to wear their ballistic vests.
Destination Zero is working to improve the health and safety of law enforcement officers across the country, from agent to correctional officer, from trooper to patrolman, from sheriff to constable; we are searching for the programs that can benefit us all.
The goal is not only to reward the most effective programs, but to share that information with others so that they may look at the potential benefits to their respective agency. One program may not be able to be copied by all agencies due to discrepancies in size and disposition but we are hoping to provide information that will assist any agency, no matter what your situation.
We are seeking full details on such programs to include: copies of posters, policies, toolkits, and any data that shows the success of that particular plan. Please submit your information to: [email protected], or call (202) 737-3400. Those agencies with outstanding programs that have proven to be beneficial will be acknowledged at an award ceremony during National Police Weekend in October, here in Washington, DC.
Agencies who have nominated their program and are submitting materials for consideration of the 2023 National Officer Safety and Wellness Awards, must have their completed submission packets in by January 31, 2023. After your initial nomination is submitted here or on our partner, Police1’s website, you will be contacted by our program manager to receive your Destination Zero Toolkit and guidance on the nomination process.