Utilizing the Securus Lantern digital educational program, former incarcerated individual, Amy Grayon works on her bachelor's degree.
With interest in reducing recidivism and making a positive impact on one's re-entry into society, Securus Technologies' Lantern digital educational program allows correctional facilities to provide incarcerated individuals with a full-service education— available on Securus tablets for incarcerated individuals and on PCs for the former incarcerated.
From a network of reputable academic partners, the platform supports college courses, high school equivalency prep, GED prep, and personal development content. Some of the colleges and universities participating in the program include Ashland University, Sinclair College, Rhodes College, Marion Technical College and Chaffey College.
Total students: over 170,000
Total enrollments: over 1,000,000
Total Credit Hours: over 119,00 (through the Ashland partnership)
Total Degrees Conferred: over 600 (including both Associate Degrees and Bachelor Degrees)