
Aug. 20, 2007
Smith ' Wesson offers a full-sized .45 ACP autoloading SW1911 improving upon the original Model 1911 with added modern enhancements. The SW1911 adds a target-configured, micro-click adjustable rear sight ideal for agencies who permit the carry of single action side arms. The SW1911 features a pinned-in external extractor, ambidextrous safety lever, Wolff Springs throughout, Texas Armament match trigger, Chip McCormick hammer and Briley barrel bushing. The Smith ' Wesson firing pin safety system is activated by the ergonomically improved grip safety instead of the trigger. Other features include an eight-round magazine, full-length heavy guide rod and Novak Lo-Mount Carry sights. The overall length of the SW1911 is 8 1/2 inches including the 5-inch barrel.

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