Bodycam: San Francisco Police Nab Gunman after Chase in Transit Station

Sept. 24, 2024
When San Francisco police tried to apprehend a man with a revolver spotted in a stolen BMW, the suspect fled through a transit station before he was shot when he pointed his gun at officers.

By Jordan Parker

Source San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco police on Monday released video and audio recordings of this month's non-fatal police shooting at the Powell Street transit station, saying the footage showed a man raising a gun in the direction of authorities before multiple officers shot and injured him.

The incident began around 10:18 a.m. on Sept. 13 when patrol officers involved in a homeless outreach operation spotted Justin Matthew Alderman, 30, sleeping in a white BMW with a silver revolver on the passenger seat, police said Monday. The car had been reported stolen, police previously said.

"There's a 221 (police code for person with a gun) on the seat," an officer said on the newly-released police dispatch audio. "Can we get a southern unit to assist us? On Jessie between 6th and Mint Plaza."

In the newly-released body camera footage, officers commanded Alderman to exit the vehicle. Moments later, Alderman exited the vehicle and walked away from police, apparently with the weapon. Officers pursued him on foot and into the Powell Street transit station, where the shooting occurred around 10:34 a.m., police said.

On Monday, Mark Im, commanding officer of SFPD's risk management division, presented evidence from the shooting, which included officer-worn body camera footage, police dispatch audio and surveillance video.

Body-worn camera footage showed Alderman getting out of the passenger door and walking away from officers.

"He's got the gun," one officer said.

Alderman is then shown jogging on Jessie Street, with the gun still in one of his hands, while officers command him to drop the gun. He appears to ignore officers while they pursue him from behind and enters GNG Liquors Store on 5th Street.

When he exited the liquor store, an officer shot a bola wrap, a less-lethal weapon, as Alderman continued to walk away. Alderman, with the gun in his right hand, led officers to the transit station. As officers entered the station, the video shows that Alderman had switched the gun to his left hand. An officer fired the bola wrap two more times at Alderman, who was moving near the station's BART fare gates.

"Drop the gun," officers could be heard saying in the background.

As Alderman appeared to approach an escalator leading to Market Street with his hand raised, an officer approaching from that direction opened fire while another officer deployed rounds from an extended-range impact weapon, a less lethal weapon deployed when officers encounter suspects with a weapon that could cause serious injury or death.

He then turned back toward the officers who had pursued him into the station with his hand still raised, and two more officers fired their guns.

The officers that shot Alderman were identified as Colin Ryan, Bartholemew Sullivan and Phong Nguyen, all patrol officers assigned to Tenderloin Station, police said.

Alderman fell to the ground and officers recovered the gun from him and provided aid. He was transported to a local hospital where he was treated for his injuries and is still listed in fair condition, police said.

The shooting will be investigated by the department's independent investigation's bureau, the San Francisco District Attorney's Office and the city's department of police accountability, police said.


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